Refund Policy may, but are under no obligation to, honor requests for refunds for the following reasons:

Non-delivery of the product: Due to an issue with the mail or courier service, you do not receive a delivery e-mail from us. Depending on the price of the product, may require you to first submit proof that you have submitted a report to the mail service or courier company describing the missing item;

Download issues: You have problems that prevent you from downloading the product. recommends that you contact the support team for your browser provider, as ensures that our software can be downloaded with all major browsers, and this problem usually arises from a customer’s issue with either their browser, firewall, or network;

Irreparable defects with the software: Although all the products are thoroughly tested before release, unexpected errors may occur. This reason should be submitted to our Support Team for its approval of your refund request;

Product not-as-described: A request based on this reason is addressed on a case-by-case basis and subject to our approval. To prevent this kind of claim from arising, every customer is encouraged to check free samples ( in the form of video overviews, demo links, product samples, screen shots) of each type of the product offered before making a purchase.

Coaching: Client will conform to the Program policies and terms of service applicable to all clients of the program, as promulgated by Mastering Diabetes from time to time. On the date hereof, Program policies include the following:

a. Refund and Cancelation Policy: Purchases of Coaching Programs are non-refundable, and there is no right of Client to cancel payment plans.

b. Pausing Policy: Client may pause a coaching Program due to a medical emergency to Client or family member or death of

a family member. Client may pause the Program for a maximum of 30 days, during which time Mastering Diabetes will fill Client’s spot. Upon Client’s return, Client will be reassigned to an available coach. Copyright 2023